He's made them once before and rocked the house then, but this time instead of cherries, we had a cream cheese filling and let me tell you....they will set you free!!! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love me some Mikey! :)
Also....I really wasn't sure if I was going to share this or not. I gave this to him for Valentine's day and have been thinking about posting it, but it is really personal. BUT, we are all friends here, right?!?! I got the idea from another blog and I can't find who to give the credit to, she did something similar and when I was in Michael's before hearts day, I saw a deck of heart cards and my mind started going. AND they were only $1! This is NOT the most expensive gift you can give someone, but I think it is really romantic and thoughtful and fun! I wanted to be able to treasure this so I modge-podged them. Funny thing is that he was sitting in the scrapbook room the whole time .... we were watching a movie and he was sitting at the computer desk not paying any attention to what I was doing so it worked out well! :)
So, friends, here are picutres of my most personal Valentine's gift to my sweetie.....
Enjoy today,

So sweet! Thanks for sharing!